

Webinar on "Rebuilding Marine Life"

In celebration of this year’s World Ocean Day, join this fascinating webinar on “Rebuilding Marine Life,” presented by KAUST’S Ibn Sina Distinguished Professor of Marine Science Carlos Duarte and organized by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. During this live event, taking place on June 6 at 11:00 am, you will also have the opportunity to ask Professor Duarte questions during the live Q&A session after the talk.


Link to watch the event https://cassyni.com/events/62dsNRAcdsEuZmF3Zcg5Nd

Impact of research on plastic consumption - Participate in our Survey!

We are excited to invite your scientific team to participate in our survey. We are interested in assessing the impact of plastic pollution consumption in Marine and Biomedical Sciences. The information provided will be invaluable for understanding the extent of plastic usage in research facilities and improving laboratory practices towards more impactful and sustainable scientific research.



Event Quick Information

06 Jun, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM