Ph.D. Program

The Ph.D. program requires a three and a half year residency for students entering with a bachelor's degree and two and a half years for students entering with a master's degree. Qualification and advancement to candidacy are contingent upon: (A) successfully passing Ph.D. coursework, (B) designating an academic advisor, (C) successfully passing a qualifying exam, and (D) writing and orally defending a research proposal. 

The KAUST student fellowship is granted to all students admitted to KAUST for the duration of their graduate studies. The benefits include: full tuition support, a monthly living allowance (ranging between $20,000-30,000 annual, depending on qualifications and progression through degree programs), free housing, medical and dental coverage, relocation support, and one return ticket home every year.

For more information, contact us for details, and read the instructions at


Applications open for Fall 2022.



M.Sc. Degree

The M.S. degree at KAUST is a 36-credit program. Students are expected to complete the M.S​. degree in three semesters and one summer session. Degree requirements are divided into three sections: (A) a Core Curriculum, (B) an Elective Curriculum, and (C), the Research/Capstone Experience. 

The KAUST student fellowship is granted to all students admitted to KAUST for the duration of their graduate studies. The benefits include: full tuition support, a monthly living allowance (ranging between $20,000-30,000 annual, depending on qualifications and progression through degree programs), free housing, medical and dental coverage, relocation support, and one return ticket home every year.

For more information, contact us for details, and read the instructions at


Applications open for Fall 2022. (M.Sc. students start on mid August 2022, and must apply before April 2022).



Red Sea Summer Program

The Red Sea Summer Program offers an opportunity for exceptionally qualified international undergraduate and post-graduate students to learn about Red Sea research from KAUST Faculty. Up to sixteen (16) students will be selected to participate in the summer workshop from international universities. The objective of this 3-week program is to present basic principles that are essential for understanding the Red Sea's unique environment from several aspects of marine and biological sciences, along with the state-of-art-technologies used to support KAUST's research in these areas.

For more information and how to apply, visit 

2022 information - TBC. (Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, the previous 2020 Red Sea Summer Program was held virtually).




There are occasionally openings for interns. Some of these positions are administered as part of the KAUST Visiting Student Research Program (VSRP). These internships are paid positions, including travel costs, housing on the KAUST campus, and a monthly stipend for a duration of 3 to 6 months. Current undergraduate / MSc students, or recent graduates from these degrees, are invited to apply.

To check on the availability of current VSRP internships, please visit:​. 

Our VSRP program is accepting both in-person and remote internships for 2022.