Investigate the response (biomass and community composition) of Red Sea microphytoplankton communities to dust inputs from the surrounding deserts through incubation experiments during different seasonal cycles
Assess the biomass and viability of microphytoplankton communities in the bathypelagic Red Sea using a recently developed oceanographic device, the bottle-net and as well as traditional methods (microscopy)
Understanding long-term patterns of marine plankton: abundance, distribution and seasonal cycles
Studying marine food chains (trophic interactions), marine community structuring and functioning
Selected Publications
Stomach contents of small cetaceans stranded along the Sea of Oman and Arabian Sea coasts of the Sultanate of Oman, L.S. Ponnampalam, T.J.Q. Collins, G. Minton, I. Schulz, H. Gray, F.G. Rupert, R.F.G Ormond, R.M. Baldwin, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, (2012)
Particle flux characterization and sedimentation patterns of protistan plankton during the iron fertilisation experiment LOHAFEX in the Southern Ocean, F. Ebersbach, P. Assmy, P. Martin, I. Schulz, S. Wolzenburg, E-M. Nöthig, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers Volume 89, Pages 94–103, (2014)
Stable composition of the nano- and picoplankton community during the ocean iron fertilization experiment LOHAFEX, S. Thiele, C. Wolf, I.K. Schulz, P. Assmy, K. Metfies, B.M. Fuchs, R.I. Amann,. PLoS ONE 9(11), (2014)
Repeated observations of Cetaceans and Carcharhiniformes associations in the Red Sea, Röthig, T.; Spaet, J.L.Y.; Kattan, A.; Schulz, I.K.; Roberts, M; Roik, A.; Voolstra, C.R. , Marine Biodiversity pp. 1-2, (2015)
Ph.D, Marine Biology, Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar- und Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany and Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM), Bremen, Germany, 2009 - 2013
M.Sc., Marine Biology, University of Bremen, Germany and the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Bremen, Germany, 2008
Professional Profile
2014 - Present: Postdoctoral Fellow at the RSRC, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
KAUST Affiliations
Red Sea Research Center (RSRC)
Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering Division (BESE)