Jordi Sola

Postdoctoral Fellows

Post-doctoral Fellow



My interests focus on understanding the processes structuring biodiversity from local to global scales. Using a broad skillset - lab, experimental and field – I have studied physiological responses of foundation species, temporal and spatial community dynamics and key processes to restore habitats within MPAs. During my PhD, I have investigated global community responses to local spatial environmental heterogeneity, and how these community responses extended locally through time and space - by applying temporal stability and landscape diversity frameworks. Currently, I am working on linking a) biogeographical and biogeochemistry patterns and b) biodiversity with conservation and restoration gains to help improve our understanding on the role of biodiversity in maintaining the functioning of ecosystems at a global scale.

Selected Publications

J. Sola, B. Sorrell, B. Olesen, M. Jørgensen, L. & Lund-Hansen (2020). Acute and prolonged effects of variable salinity on growth, gas exchange and photobiology of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.). Aquatic botany, 165, 103236. 

A. Medrano, B. Hereu, M. Cleminson, M. Pagès‐Escolà, G. Rovira, J. Sola & C. Linares (2020). From marine deserts to algal beds: Treptacantha elegans revegetation to reverse stable degraded ecosystems inside and outside a No‐Take marine reserve. Restoration Ecology, 28(3), 632-644. 

J. Sola, S. Klein, C. Martin, S. Agustí & C. Duarte (2019). Gelatinous zooplankton in the surface layers of the coastal central Red Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 726.


Ph.D., Marine Ecology, Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom, 2019-2024.

M.Sc., Marine Environmental Protection, Bangor University, Bangor, United Kingdom, 2017.

B.Sc., Biology, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 2016.

Professional Profile

2024-present: Postdoctoral researcher, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.

Scientific and Professional Membership

British Ecological Society

Marine Biological Association

British Phycological Society


British Phycological Society Travel Award (2023)

Marine Biological Association Travel Award (2023)

ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting Travel Award (2023)

The Challenger Society Travel Award (2023)

British Phycological Society Highly Commended Talk Award (2023)

British Phycological Society Highly Commended Poster Award (2022)

Marine Biological Association Training Award (2020)

Swansea University Research Excellence Scholarship (2019)

Research Interests Keywords

Biodiversity Biogeography Community ecology Functional Ecology Coastal benthic and intertidal ecosystems