Larissa Frühe

Postdoctoral Fellows

Post-doctoral Fellow



My research focusses on the usage of environmental DNA (eDNA) to explore ecosystems like coral reefs, seagrass meadows, mangroves or survey (microbial) community changes in marine habitats.

During my Ph.D. I tested the potential of microbes as bioindicators to assess the impacts of aquaculture on coastal ecosystems. Using metabarcoding and bioinformatics, I am interested in finding bioindicators - ranging from marine microbes to megafauna - and new methods to describe changes in sensitive marine habitats. Ultimately, I seek to establish new strategies for conservation and human interactions with the ocean.

Research Interests

Marine Ecology, eDNA, ecosystem monitoring, conservation biology

Selected Publications

  •   Global trends of benthic bacterial diversity and community composition along organic enrichment gradients of salmon farms, L. Frühe, V. Dully, D. Forster, N.B. Keeley, O. Laroche, X. Pochon, S. Robinson, T.A. Wilding, T. Stoeck, Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, 853, (2021)
  •   Environmental DNA metabarcoding for benthic monitoring: A review of sediment sampling and DNA extraction methods, J. Pawlowski, K. Bruce, K. Panksep, F.I. Aguirre, S. Amalfitano, L. Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil, T. Baussant, A. Bouchez, L. Carugati, K. Cermakova, T. Cordier, C. Corinaldesi, F.O. Costa, R. Danovaro, A. Dell'Anno, S. Duarte, U. Eisendle, B.J.D. Ferrari, F. Frontalini, L. Frühe, A. Haegerbaeumer, V. Kisand, A. Krolicka, A. Lanzén, F. Leese, F. Lejzerowicz, E. Lyautey, I. Maček, M. Sagova-Marečková, J.K. Pearman, X. Pochon, T. Stoeck, R. Vivien, A. Weigand, S. Fazi., Science of the Total Environment, in press, (2021)
  •   Ecosystems monitoring powered by environmental genomics: a review of current strategies with an implementation roadmap, T. Cordier, L. Alonso‐Sáez, L. Apothéloz‐Perret‐Gentil, E. Aylagas, D.A. Bohan, A. Bouchez, A. Chariton, S. Creer, L. Frühe, F. Keck, N. Keeley, O. Laroche, F. Leese, X. Pochon, T. Stoeck, J. Pawlowski, A. Lanzén, Molecular Ecology, 13, 2937-2958, (2021)
  •   Supervised machine learning is superior to indicator value inference in monitoring the environmental impacts of salmon aquaculture using eDNA metabarcodes, L. Frühe, T. Cordier, V. Dully, H.-W. Breiner, G. Lentendu, J. Pawlowski, C. Martins, T.A. Wilding, T. Stoeck, Molecular Ecology, 13, 2988-3006, (2021)
  •   Expanding ecological assessment by integrating microorganisms into routine freshwater biomonitoring, M. Sagova-Mareckova, J. Boenigk, A. Bouchez, K. Cermakova, T. Chonova, T. Cordier, U. Eisendle, T. Elersek, S. Fazi, T. Fleituch, L. Frühe, M. Gajdosova, N. Graupner, A. Haegerbaeumer, A.-M. Kelly, J. Kopecky, F. Leese, P. Nõges, S. Orlic, K. Panksep, J. Pawlowski, A. Petrusek, J.J. Piggott, J.C. Rusch, R. Salis, J. Schenk, K. Simek, A. Stovicek, D.A.  Strand, M.I. Vasquez, T. Vrålstad, S. Zlatkovic, M. Zupancic, T. Stoeck, Water Research, 191, 116767, (2021)
  •   Robustness, sensitivity and reproducibility of eDNA metabarcoding as an environmental biomonitoring tool in coastal salmon aquaculture–An inter-laboratory study, V. Dully, H. Balliet, L. Frühe, M. Däumer, A. Thielen, S. Gallie, I. Berrill, T. Stoeck, Ecological Indicators, 121, 107049, (2021)
  •   New molecular methods to assess biodiversity. Potentials and pitfalls of DNA metabarcoding: a workshop report, M. Kahlert, A. Alfjorden, K. Apunte-Ramos, B. Bailet, J. Pérez Burillo, A. Greta Carrera Gonzalez, D. Castro, C. Di Bernardi, V. Dully, J. Fekete, L. Frühe, R. González, E. Gratsia, J. Hanjalic, J. Kamberovic, A.-K. Kelly, C. Meriggi, I. Nousianen, S.B. Øberg, J. Orr, C. Quintana, A. Papatheodoulou, J. Sargac, M. Shahbaz, K. Tapolczai, K. Tosic, I. Wallin, M. Zupancic, P. Bohman, P.L. Buttigieg, N. Häubner, F. Leese, J. Macher, S. Peura, T. Roslin, M. Strand, O. Terenius, V. Vasselon, A.M. Weigand, Research Ideas and Outcomes, 5, 1-9, (2019)
  •   Environmental DNA metabarcoding of benthic bacterial communities indicates the benthic footprint of salmon aquaculture, T. Stoeck, L. Frühe, D. Forster, T. Cordier, C. Martins, J. Pawlowski, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 127, 139-149, (2018)


  • Ph.D. Student, Ecology, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2021
  • M.Sc., Ecology and Diversity, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2017
  • B.Sc., Applied Biology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, 2015

Professional Profile

  • 2021 - Present: Postdoctoral fellow, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Scientific and Professional Membership

  • European Aquaculture Society (EAS)


  • 2018: Award for an outstanding Master thesis, Kreissparkassen-Stiftung Kaiserslautern
  • 2018: Award for best Master thesis in the Faculty of Biology, University of Kaiserslautern

KAUST Affiliations

  • ​Red Sea Research Center (RSRC)
  • Biological and Environmental Science & Engineering Division (BESE)

Research Interests Keywords

Marine Ecology Environmental DNA Ecosystem Monitoring Conservation biology