Sofia Carlotto





Building 2, Level 2, Seaside, 2247-WS06


The underwater world has always elicited awe, fascination, curiosity, and respect in me. Since I was little, I have dreamt of turning my passion for the ocean into a career.

Now, I’m 24 years old, a Biologist, Rescue Diver, and soon-to-be Marine Scientist. After a 5-months research internship on coral monitoring and restoration in the Mexican Caribbean for my Master’s thesis, I am currently a visiting student (VSRP) at KAUST.

With the present state of the ocean, coral reef degradation has already been profoundly impacting marine life and our global community. As a future marine biologist, I am committed to studying coral reefs and contributing to the conservation and sustainable management of these critical ecosystems.

The project I am involved in here at KAUST aims to assess and compare coral thermotolerance with acute thermal stress assays.


M.Sc. Student, Marine sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, 2021 – present

B.Sc., Biological sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, 2021

Professional Profile

2024 – present: VSRP Student, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

2023 – 2024: Thesis Internship, MARES Center, Mahahual, Mexico

Research Interests Keywords

Coral reef restoration Conservation Marine Ecology Coral Reefs