Yuhee Seo





Building 2, Level 2, 2257-WS06


As an undergraduate researcher, I studied wastewater purification using microalgae (measuring TN, TP, TOC, etc.) and the removal rate of 11 pharmaceuticals from PPCPs (Pharmaceutical and personal care products). I also conducted experiments on the acquisition of high-value substances (pigments) from microalgae and their potential as bioenergy (biodiesel). I was also interested in phylogenetic taxonomy and performed morphological and molecular identification of microalgae. 

When I moved on to my master's program, I became interested in Blue Carbon after attending a Blue Carbon forum in Korea. Although macroalgae has not yet been recognized as a Blue Carbon by the IPCC, macroalgae has a large area and carbon sequestration capacity worldwide and is being focused on as a new Blue Carbon, and I became interested in carbon sequestration of macroalgae due to the high diversity and abundance of algae in Korea. I wanted to learn experiments related to this, so I interned at TAJRC lab, which is famous for blue carbon. 

Afterwards, my goal is to prove the carbon sequestration of native macroalgae in Korea and select macroalgae with high growth rate and farm them to reduce atmospheric carbon to slow down climate change.

Research Interests

Blue carbon, Macroalgae, eDNA, Carbon sequestration 



Master Student, Plant Molecular Physiology Lab., Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea, 2023.08 – present

B.sc., Biology, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea, 2023.08

Professional Profile

2024 – Present, Visiting Student Research Program (VSRP), KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

2021 – 2022, Undergraduate Research Student, Plant Molecular Physiology Lab., Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea,

KAUST Affiliations

Red Sea Research Center (RSRC)

Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering (BESE)