The Pen Shell, Pinna nobilis: A Review of Population Status and Recommended Research Priorities in the Mediterranean Sea

by Basso, L., M. Vázquez–Luis, J. R. García–March, S. Deudero, E. Alvarez, N. Vicente, C. M. Duarte, I.E. Hendriks
Year: 2015


Basso, L., M. Vázquez–Luis, J. R. García–March, S. Deudero, E. Alvarez, N. Vicente , C. M. Duarte  and  I.E. Hendriks (2015) The pen shell, Pinna nobilis: A review of population status and recommended research priorities in the Mediterranean Sea. Advances in Marine Biology 71: 109-160.​


The pen shell Pinna nobilis (also known as the fan mussel) is an endemic bivalve of the Mediterranean Sea. Threatened by human activities, it has been listed as an endangered and protected species under the European Council Directive 92/43/EEC since 1992. The ecological role of this species is of importance because it filters and retains large amounts of organic matter from suspended detritus contributing to water clarity. In addition, as a hard substrate in the soft-bottom seafloor, it provides a surface that can be colonized by other (floral and faunal) benthic species. Here, we provide an overview of all available published studies on the pen shell, compiling available data and summarizing current knowledge on the conservation status and viability of populations over the full range of the Mediterranean Basin. Additionally, we discuss the different practices in applied methodology and identify gaps and new research areas in order to render conservation programmes of the species more effective.


Bivalve Mediterranean Sea Pen Shell Pinna Nobilis Review